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Progressive Web Apps vs. Native Apps: Which Is Right for You?

If you are planning to develop a mobile app for your business or personal use, you might be wondering which approach to choose: progressive web app (PWA) or native app. Both options have their pros and cons, and the best one for you depends on your goals, budget, and target audience.

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In this article, we will explain what PWAs and native apps are, how they differ, and what are their advantages and disadvantages. We will also provide some examples of successful PWAs and native apps to help you decide which one is right for you.

What is a PWA?

A PWA is a web app that uses modern web technologies to deliver a native app-like experience to users. A PWA can run on any device and platform that has a web browser, without the need to download or install anything from an app store. A PWA can also work offline, send push notifications, access device features, and be added to the home screen of the device.

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Some examples of popular PWAs are:

  • Twitter Lite: A lightweight version of Twitter that offers faster loading, lower data usage, and offline access.
  • Flipkart: India’s largest e-commerce platform that improved its conversion rate, engagement rate, and time spent on site with its PWA.
  • Starbucks: A coffee ordering system that allows users to browse the menu, customize their orders, and pay online even without an internet connection.

What is a native app?

A native app is a software application that is built specifically for a particular device and platform, such as iOS or Android. A native app is downloaded and installed on the device from an app store, and can access the device’s hardware and software capabilities, such as camera, GPS, or microphone. A native app is optimized for the platform it runs on, offering high performance and user experience.

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Some examples of popular native apps are:

  • Instagram: A photo and video sharing app that leverages the device’s camera, filters, and editing tools to create engaging content.
  • Uber: A ride-hailing app that uses the device’s GPS, maps, and payment systems to connect drivers and riders.
  • Spotify: A music streaming app that offers offline listening, personalized recommendations, and social features.

How do PWAs and native apps differ?

PWAs and native apps differ in several aspects, such as:

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  • Development cost: PWAs are generally cheaper to develop and maintain than native apps, as they use a single codebase that works across multiple platforms and devices. Native apps require separate codebases for each platform, which increases the development time and effort.
  • Distribution: PWAs are distributed through the web, which means they can be easily found by search engines and users without the need to go through an app store. Native apps are distributed through app stores, which means they have to comply with the store’s policies and fees, but also benefit from the store’s exposure and ratings.
  • User experience: PWAs offer a consistent user experience across different devices and platforms, as they adapt to the screen size and orientation of the device. Native apps offer a customized user experience for each platform, as they follow the platform’s design guidelines and standards.
  • Performance: PWAs offer fast loading and smooth performance thanks to service workers, which are scripts that run in the background and cache data locally. Native apps offer superior performance thanks to native code, which is compiled and optimized for the platform.
  • Features: PWAs can access some of the device’s features, such as push notifications, camera, or geolocation, but not all of them. Native apps can access all of the device’s features, such as fingerprint scanner, NFC, or Bluetooth.

Pros and cons of PWAs

PWAs have several advantages over native apps, such as:

  • Ease of development: PWAs use web technologies that are familiar to most developers, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They also do not require separate codebases for different platforms or devices.
  • Ease of distribution: PWAs do not require any installation or updates from users or approval from app stores. They can be easily shared through a URL or a QR code.
  • Ease of discovery: PWAs can be indexed by search engines and benefit from SEO strategies. They can also use web analytics tools to track user behavior and preferences.

However, PWAs also have some drawbacks compared to native apps, such as:

  • Limited features: PWAs cannot access some of the device’s features that are exclusive to native apps, such as Siri or Face ID on iOS devices. They also cannot use some of the platform-specific services or integrations that are available for native apps.
  • Limited support: PWAs rely on web standards that are not fully supported by all browsers or platforms. For example, iOS devices have limited support for service workers and web app manifests, which affect the offline functionality and home screen installation of PWAs.
  • Limited user perception: PWAs may not be perceived by users as real apps compared to native apps. Users may not be aware of the features and benefits of PWAs, such as offline access or push notifications. Users may also prefer the familiarity and trust of app stores over the web.

Pros and cons of native apps

Native apps have several advantages over PWAs, such as:

  • Full features: Native apps can access all of the device’s features and offer advanced functionality that is not possible with web technologies. They can also leverage the platform’s services and integrations, such as in-app purchases or social media sharing.
  • High performance: Native apps offer fast and smooth performance that is optimized for the platform and device. They can also handle complex tasks and graphics that require high processing power or memory.
  • High user experience: Native apps offer a user experience that is tailored to the platform and device. They follow the platform’s design guidelines and standards, which create a familiar and intuitive interface for users.

However, native apps also have some drawbacks compared to PWAs, such as:

  • High development cost: Native apps require separate codebases for each platform, which increases the development time and effort. They also require different tools and languages for each platform, which may require hiring specialized developers.
  • High maintenance cost: Native apps require frequent updates and bug fixes to keep up with the platform’s changes and user expectations. They also require testing and approval from app stores, which may delay or reject the updates.
  • High distribution cost: Native apps have to pay fees to app stores to be listed and downloaded by users. They also have to compete with millions of other apps in the app store, which may affect their visibility and discoverability.


PWAs and native apps are two different approaches to developing mobile apps, each with its own pros and cons. The best one for you depends on your goals, budget, and target audience.

If you want to develop a mobile app that is:

  • Cost-effective
  • Cross-platform
  • Web-based
  • SEO-friendly

You should choose a PWA.

If you want to develop a mobile app that is:

  • Feature-rich
  • High-performance
  • Platform-specific
  • User-centric

You should choose a native app.

Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for mobile app development. You may also consider other options, such as hybrid apps or cross-platform frameworks, that combine some of the benefits of both PWAs and native apps.

Whatever you choose, make sure you do your research, test your assumptions, and validate your idea before investing in development. You can also consult with professional app developers who can help you make the right decision for your project.

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